Q: What would be the timeline on each course of action—settle vs. sue- so that I mentally prepare for the length of this case, overall?


A: Our job is to handle all legal aspects of your case and to monitor, track and assist in gathering evidence preserved, getting you the medical attention you need. You should do all that is necessary to make recovery from your injuries possible. The injury or its effects should not be exaggerated. The plain truth [...]

Q: What would be the timeline on each course of action—settle vs. sue- so that I mentally prepare for the length of this case, overall?2023-08-02T15:34:05-05:00

Q: If my car has little or no damage from a collision, can I still recover medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering damages from the at-fault defendant?


A: Yes. Often in an automobile collision, the human body will sustain serious injury with little or no damage to the vehicle. For instance, many newer vehicles have parts that bend and snap right back into place after a collision, while the person inside of the vehicle has lasting bodily damage. It is an insurance [...]

Q: If my car has little or no damage from a collision, can I still recover medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering damages from the at-fault defendant?2023-08-02T15:34:42-05:00

Q: If I accept a settlement offer from the other side, can I ever go back against them for unforeseen injuries and medical expenses resulting from this accident?


A: No! That is why having a lawyer who does not want to settle quick and cheap is so important! It is why having a lawyer who will invest time, money, staff and expertise in your case is so important. You only get one chance to have your case handled the right way.

Q: If I accept a settlement offer from the other side, can I ever go back against them for unforeseen injuries and medical expenses resulting from this accident?2023-08-02T15:34:47-05:00

Q: Do we settle or litigate?


A: We open all of our client’s cases with the mind-set that we will have to go to trial. This is how you get a fair settlement or result. All of our case management and file administration is geared toward that end. Showing the insurance companies that we are prepared from the beginning, is an [...]

Q: Do we settle or litigate?2023-08-02T15:34:59-05:00

Q: As I approach recovery from my injuries, where do we go from here?


A: The prime directive in a personal injury matter is to give you every opportunity to reach maximum medical improvement. We will only proceed to settlement negotiations when you, and your treating physicians, feel that you have either fully recovered, or you are as good as you are going to get. If an attorney moves [...]

Q: As I approach recovery from my injuries, where do we go from here?2023-08-02T15:35:04-05:00

Q: How soon should I hire a lawyer after an accident or injury?


A: The sooner you hire an attorney, the better. Evidence can disappear, witnesses can leave town and memories or recollections of events can change or fade. The sooner you have a qualified, experienced attorney working for you, documenting your case, helping you, the better.

Q: How soon should I hire a lawyer after an accident or injury?2023-08-02T15:35:09-05:00

Q: How long do I have to make a claim for my injuries?


A. In most personal injury cases, you have one year from the day of the accident to file a claim. In Louisiana, this is called the prescriptive period. In many other states, it is called statute of limitations. Louisiana has the shortest statute of limitations period in the country. Call our office for advice and [...]

Q: How long do I have to make a claim for my injuries?2023-08-02T15:35:15-05:00